Presence of Tick Species as the Vector of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Kosovo
There is strong evidence that the species of the tick are implicated in the ecology and epidemiology of CCHF in Kosovo. The data suggest that the domestic animals, especially the sheep, should be considered the principal host of adult tick as the vector of virus. The tick were collected from the sheep in the two municipality in endemic area Malisheve (village Astrozub) 44 sample and non-endemic municipality Pristine (village Graqanica and Hajkoil) 158 samples. That was examined for the presence of different species of tick. From the 202 collected tick, prevalent was genus Rhipicephalus spp. with 157 cases and 1 cases genus Haemophisalis spp. in non-endemic municipality Prishtina. In endemic municipality Malisheve prevalent was the genus Hyalomma spp. with the 27 cases, Ixodes spp. 13 cases and 2 cases genus Haemophisalis spp.. Determination and specification of the samples of tick was done using guide Estrada-Pena at al (2004).
Keywords: CCHF, Tick, Genus, Vector, Kosovo, etc.
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