Descriptive Names in the Uzbek Language


  • Kenjaeva Sabhokat


In this paper illuminated the adherence in spiritual and magic power of the birth of a child goes back to ancient beliefs. The birth, the fate and the future of a child, the birth time of a child, if it was a girl or a boy, physical- psychological actions of a child after its birth, some of the physical imperfections and peculiarities on a child’s body are believed to be the will of those spiritual powers. People thought that suchlike features on a child’s body would have a negative influence on the life and the health of the child so they treated them delicately and feared that those peculiarities would increase in numbers or would get ugly in the further life and that it might venture the life and the health of a child.

Keywords: descriptive name, name, Uzbek anthroponomy, Turkic languages. 


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How to Cite

Sabhokat, K. (2018). Descriptive Names in the Uzbek Language. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(10), 17–27. Retrieved from



Volume 7, No.10, October, 2018