In the article the influence of the art heritage of Amiriy on the creative work of Agahiy according to the analyze tatabbu and tahmis by Agahiy for the ghazals by Amiriy. The creations of the greatest Uzbek word art representatives like Yusuf Hos Hojib, Alisher Navoi, Munis, Agahiy, Uvaysiy, Nodira were directly dependent on the environment of the palace. the governors like Husayn Boyqaro, Zahriddin Muhammad Bobur, Ubaydiy, Feruz not only created a number of works but also were patrons of the development in science, culture and literature. The main part of the Uzbek peculiar literature was created in the palace or dependently written on it. The poetry of Amiriy had a great influence on Khorezm literal environment. he fact that Agahiy, who followed Amiriy to write several ghazals, two Uzbek and two Persian ones shows that the founder of the Kukan literary media was popular in the Khorezm literary one and a popular poet of Agahiy.
Keywords: influence, ghazal, tatabbu, muhammas, skill.
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