Translation could be generally defined as the reformulation of what is spoken or written in the original text, by means of words of another language. It is of vital importance to translators that target text readers accept the translated information in the same way as the source or original text readers. Translation cannot be considered as really accomplished, unless the translation naturalness and accuracy is conceived and felt by target readers. This is the reason why translation process may be considered as very challenging an activity and therefore difficulties arise during this process as each language has its own originality when describing the world, its morpho-syntactic structures, its grammatical rules, etc. The Albanian and English languages derive from two different language families. Thus, they differ in many linguistic aspects such as grammar, word-order, sentence types, verb forms, adverbs, adjectives, time aspects, types of articles, etc,of which problems arise in translation. Translation problems have also been observed with prefixed words from English into Albanian language. This study treats occurrences and translation problems of prefixed words in English and Albanian language, based on a well-chosen linguistic corpus in order to illustrate and observe prefixed words occurrences from English to Albanian. Results were observed and conclusions were drawn based on principles of correspondence in terms of prefixed words comparatively in both languages.
Keywords: Prefixation, prefixed words, translation, principles of correspondence, original text, target text.
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