The English language, like all other languages, has evolved over time. Some of its modifications are the result of the natural process of change that all languages go through, while others are the result of language interaction. Foreign influences on English are so strong that it has evolved from a nearly pure language to a totally mixed one. French is the language that has had the most profound influence on English. The Norman conquest of 1066 brought the original inhabitants of the country into direct touch with the invaders' language, Norman French.
Keywords: borrowings, Middle English, creole, Norman Conquest, King Henry IV, GVS, etc.
Alged, J and Pyles, Th. (1968). English an Introduction to Language. USA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich INC
Baugh, Albert C. (1963). A History of English. New York: Appleton - Century Crafts INC.
Baugh, Albert C. and Cable, Thomas (1993). A History of the English Language. London: Routledge
Bloomfield, L. (1962). Language. Great Britain, London: Ruskin House.
Fries, C.C. (1940). On the development of the structural use of word-order in Modern English. Language, 199-208.
Ibrahimi, S and Iseni, A. (2007). The Origin and History of the English Language. ArbëriaDesign. Tetovë.
Nesfield, J.C. (1920). English Grammar Past and Present in Three Parts: Pt. 1. Modern English Grammar. Pt. 2. Idiom and Construction. Pt. 3. Historical Word Building and Deriavation. Macmillan.
Petrák, M. (2015). French Loan-Words in English. Západočeská univerzita v Plzni Fakulta filozofická. Czech Republic.
Simon, H., and Jeremy, S. (2002). An Introduction to Middle English.
Suzanne, R. (1985). Socio-Historical Linguistics. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.
Other Internet Sources
Great Britain Web.
Middle English“an overview | Oxford English Dictionary.” Home: Oxford English Dictionary. Web
"Mod 6 Lesson 6.2.2 History of English: Middle English." Leeward CC departmental server. Web.
"Influence of the Norman Conquest on English language | Literary Articles ." Literary Articles . Web.
"Anglo-Norman and Central French." Студопедия – лекционный материал для студентов. Web.
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