
  • Hajri Mandri Lecturer of Literature, Albanian University, Tirana



In this research, we will present the role of Qur’an parables in enriching the literary thinking and structure of the lecture, while enjoying aesthetic aspects of its discourse. Parables (or literary parables) are theoretically described and demonstrated with specific examples in Qur’an lectures as teaching models. The form of paraboles discolouration is employed frequently in the Qur’an as an archetype, as a requirement for likeness. On the subordinal side, they appear expressly in the Qur’an as a condition for the message that follows.

Keywords: parable, literary parables, Qur’an, aesthetic pleasure, illustration as need of similarity, canonical functions, structure of oral literature.


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How to Cite

Mandri, H. (2023). LITERARY PARABLES IN LECTURING THE QUR’AN. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(7), pp.62–67.



Volume 12, No.7, July 2023