In this paper, the new, five-volume and six-volume explanatory dictionaries of the Uzbek language published in Uzbek Latin script have been shown to have a number of news and advantages. One of the most important and main innovations of these dictionaries is the provision of complete etymological information for words and terms that have entered the Uzbek language from foreign languages, and another is that in the following years, the so-called "international term elements" and actively participating in the creation of scientific and technical terms, such as aviation, auto It is noted that elements such as anti-, geo-, gidro-, makro-, mikro-, neo-, poli-, tele- are given in the form of separate dictionary articles. Also, it was emphasized that the main purpose of the explanatory dictionary is to reveal the separate components of the international terms that have been assimilated into the Uzbek language, that is, the meanings of the term elements, to show their word-making possibilities, to comment on the terms formed with their participation, and what aspects the authors pay attention to when solving these issues and creating dictionary articles are shown.
Keywords: term, explanatory dictionary, terminological dictionary, international term elements.
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