
  • Inomjon Azimov Mamasodikovich Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Center “Training and Teaching the Basics of Working in the State Language” Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature


In Uzbek linguistics, the period until the age of 40 has not been sufficiently studied; therefore, the merits of the Uzbek enlighteners in the development of the national Uzbek literary language remain aloof from the attention of specialists. As a result, the conclusion was improperly formed in the literature on linguistics that the Uzbek language began to develop in the 1940s. In fact, during this period, the loyal nations, which entered the pages of history under the name “Jadids,” carried out serious activities to develop literary norms of the Uzbek language and to study our national language, which has its own rules and patterns. The article examines precisely that little-studied period of our linguistics. The paper mainly analyzes two main problems. First, the Jadids' perspective on the syngarmonism phenomenon—a feature shared by all Turkic languages—was noteworthy. The opinions of experts on this phenomenon are presented here, since the Uzbek language is based on many dialects. And also, their opinion is given on the subordination of borrowed words to this pattern, and the author’s own opinion on this problem is stated as well. Secondly, the question considers vowels and consonants and the expression of their letters. Questions are highlighted as follows: the Arabic alphabet cannot express all the possibilities of the sounds of the Uzbek language, not the existence of sufficient letters to express vowels that some letters express only the sounds of the Arabic language, and actions related in this regard to the reform of the Arabic alphabet. Based on the analyses, conclusions were drawn: an analysis of the activity of the Jadids of linguists to scientifically evaluate their merits in the formation of literary norms of the Uzbek language can serve to replenish the history of Uzbek linguistics.


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How to Cite

Inomjon Azimov Mamasodikovich. (2023). THE VIEWS OF JADIDS ON NATIONAL PHONETICS. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(8), 64–73. Retrieved from



Volume 12, No.8, August 2023