Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi, "Zafarnoma" lexicon, stable comparison, free comparison, literary image means, lexical means, grammatical means.Abstract
This paper bases the Uzbek translation of Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi's "Zafar-name" on factual materials, demonstrating their formation through dictionary comparisons and the application of lexical and grammatical tools, which are the most frequently utilized visual tools in this source language. After analyzing the comparison in "Zafar-name," we came to the conclusion that this tool serves as a linguistic and cultural unit, reflecting the national thinking, worldview, and mentality of the people, and significantly contributing to the creation of the global linguistic landscape. The translator of the work, Muhammad Ali Bukhari, begins with a brief introduction before providing extensive details about all the family members and relatives of Amir Temur. Therefore, human characters and events are described very well in "Zafar-name." Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi skillfully represented Temur's personal character. Muhammad Ali Bukhari illustrated such pages in the Uzbek language with exceptional skill. The work skillfully depicts not only Temur's image, but also the images of those around him. This paper analyzed numerous prose and poetic texts from the work, concluding that similes significantly contributed to the excellent performance of these images.
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