Units Completely Simplified on Morphemic Structure


  • Usmanova Mohira


The collected materials during research show, that degree simplifications is not identical. Considering examples is possible to come to a conclusion that transformation to one uniform morpheme as a result of draining among themselves several morphemes occurs in different kinds. It: a) Full draining; b) Draining occurs in an average measure; c) Draining occurs in small degree. To units victims full simplification can correlate words which in today's cannot be divided into morphemes. For division of these words into morphemes the etymological analysis during times they were compared to one-syllabic words is required. Simplification these words has begun with ancient times of development of language and proceeded very long. Further examples simplifications which occur owing to draining are resulted.

Keywords: Word-formation System, Morphemes, Derivation, Etymological Dictionary, Uzbek language, Affixes, etc.




How to Cite

Mohira, U. (2016). Units Completely Simplified on Morphemic Structure. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 3(3), 20–25. Retrieved from https://www.anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/626



Volume 3, No.3, March, 2014