The Action of Cardiac Glycosides in Cardiac Insufficiency


  • Qahil Ibraimi Faculty of Medical Sciences. State University of Tetovo, Macedonia.
  • Nexhmedin Kahrimani


Active cardiac glucosides are plant-origin cardiac glycosides consisting of digitalis lanata, Strophantus gratus seeds that contain Ouabain, Scilla marittima (Urginea maritima), Adonis vernalis, known variously as pheasant's eye and Convallaria majalis known as lily-of-the-valley. All active cardiac glucosides in therapeutic doses are potent inhibitors of active transport of Na+ and K+, through the cell membrane. The increased accumulation of Na+ inside the cell increases the possibility of its exchange with Ca++ outside cell. Accumulation of Ca2 + inside the cell activates phosphorylases which through the phosphorylation supplies the necessary energy for the contraction of the heart muscle. Actions: positively inotropic agents, negative chronotropes, a negative dromotrope (atrio-ventricular conduction), negative batmotrop and positive tonotrop. Pharmacodynamics of drugs, biochemical and physiological effects of drugs on the body or on microorganisms or parasites within or in the body and the acting mechanism of the drug and the relationships between drug concentration as well as its effects. Pharmacokinetics regulates the intestinal absorption of drugs and regulates their action. Mechanism of action: glycosides from digitals grandiflora seeds exercise its inotrop action through inhibition of the pump of Na/ K ATP in the cell membrane. Drugs used for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases are drugs with anti-Hyperlipoproteinemia action.

Keywords: cardiac Glycosides, pharmacodynamics, Effects of cardiovascular disease on pharmacokinetics, cardiac insufficiency.




How to Cite

Ibraimi, Q., & Kahrimani, N. (2016). The Action of Cardiac Glycosides in Cardiac Insufficiency. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 5(8), 51–55. Retrieved from



Volume 5, No.8, August, 2016