Gastric Diseases by H. Pylori and the Role of Mast Cells
H. Pylori deemed as one of the causes of gastric pathologies (mainly chronic superficial gastritis, chronic atrophic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, etc.) which can progress to gastric atrophy and cancer of the stomach. Although still not well-known pathogenesis and Physiopathology of damage by H. Pylori has recently attracted attention histological framework of these diseases. In particular, mast cells are found frequently and in a number of pathologies, such increased at a significant correlation what makes think that mast cells have a manifest impact in the pathogenesis of these pathologies. We wanted to verify whether any correlations exist between HP positivity, type of gastritis and presence of mast cells. We examined 90 bioptic fragments of gastric mucosa obtained by diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The study population consisted of 22 patients with chronic superficial gastritis and 8 with chronic atrophic gastritis (20 males and 10 females). HP detection was performed on Giemsa-stained preparations. Mast cell detection was performed on Giemsa- and PAS-stained preparations. Sixty-eight percent of chronic superficial gastritis cases were found to be HP-positive and mast cell was present in 87% of these and absent in 13%. In chronic atrophic gastritis cases, 50% were HP-positive and mast cell was present in 50% and absent in the rest. On the basis of our data, a significant correlation was found (86%) between HP-positivity and presence of mast cells in the inflammatory gastric mucosa.
Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, mast cell, gastritis.
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