Khayyam who Thinks and Speaks Albanian
According to the Albanologist R. Jokli, Noli's Rubaiyat stands as the best of the many translations of Fitzgerald' version, but this translation, almost a recreation, can be considered his dearest, closest and most spiritual. Probably in none of his works did Noli express himself the way he did while translating (or better say culturally adapting into Albanian) Rubaiyat. This is the work in which he expressed his thoughts and his troubles, his volcanic character, his creative courage, his tolerance, his humanity and his longing for freedom. In this study we will try to discuss what was said above, thus we will mainly linger over some words, terms, concepts and forms borrowed from the Bible and Christianity in general, but also from the Albanian folklore of the cycle of epic songs which Khayyam was most probably not aware of or used for that matter. When considering "Rubaiyat" and the languages they have been translated into, Noli's adaption into Albanian is acknowledged as the most poetic and melodious version. Paraphrasing what Fitzgerald scholars say about Rubaiyat, that they are FitzOmar's work, we could say that for the Albanians they are an authentic work of Fan Omar.
Keywords: recreation, himself, system, Albanian folklore, Biblical symbols.
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