Life Without Grammar Equals Chaos: Introspection on the Value of Grammar & The Educator in EFL/ESL Language Acquisition
Communicating coherently in the English language requires a comprehensive understanding of the proper use of grammar. Instruction of English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at the rudimentary levels may not collectively include sufficient instruction that enables students to successfully transition to English language courses in higher learning institutions. Education is construed as an imperative aspect of an individual’s life in America and the cornerstone of any educational model is undoubtedly the teacher (Lam, 2006). The efficacy of the teacher’s ability to grammatically instruct his/her students additionally impacts the individual’s ability to acquire the second language. Furthermore, students who are attempting to become bi- or multi-lingual do not always speak properly, illustrating that code-switching and code-mixing are common phenomena in speech when at least two languages exist in a community (Annamali, 1989). The ability of the teacher to effectively interpret student communication and respond in grammatically appropriate manners is imperative to the proper development of the target language as it models such actions for the student to mimic. This discourse will discuss the importance of grammatical comprehension for ESL/EFL students with respect to educator efficacy, examine how teachers impact grammar and overall literacy development.
Keywords: English as a Foreign Language, Composition, Writing, Discourse Analysis, Grammar usage.
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