The Experience of Albanian School in Improving the Teaching of Foreign Language Grammar
The aim of this article is to bring the experience of Albanian schools in renewing the teaching of foreign language grammar. Grammar occupies a significant place in the process of foreign language teaching and learning at all teaching levels in the Albanian schools. It has been long since it constitutes the focus of seminars organized by the department of education of the region and the institutions of both high and higher education. Grammar has been considered as the main linguistic component in foreign language classes. Grammar exercises practiced in there are multifarious. Teaching grammar is based on the grammar material informed by grammar French language textbooks and teachers’ ability to integrate grammar as a significant component of foreign language teaching with other components as the lexis, phonetics and so on, in order that it could better serve communication in a foreign language. Through examples and questionnaires, this article brings out the experience of Albanian teachers concerning the teaching of French grammar.
Keywords: activities, grammar teaching, method, questionnaire, renovation.
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