The Impact of Subjective Factors on the Success of the Primary School Pupils


  • Lirije Raimi


The institution of the primary school, in the realization of the educational objectives, the student should not be treated only as a common object on whom should, formally, be realized the educational activity, but actually, the personality of the student should be understood as a creature of the complex nature, that is continually in formation and completion of qualitative attributes, that in an interactive way, acts and cooperates with the other factors of the environment, especially of the subjective character. From this aspect the student, as an object and subject of the learning, possesses, develops and benefits various qualitative performances and affinities which, in a permanent way, completes and manifests them through relevant abilities and skills in different situations in the educational process. Therefore, this work has included the aspect of the impact of subjective factors on the success of primary school students, by putting in the center of observation the so-called “didactic triangle” – the student, the teacher and the subject matter. In this concept the school was in a position divided from the social streams, and it wasn’t able to articulate the dynamic requirements of the labor market. Lately, as a result of the socio-economic changes, comes to expression the complex and multidimensional composition of the learning system, which includes both subjective and objective factors, which affect in the educational system. We have elaborated the factors of particular importance of the subjective nature: the student, the teacher, student’s parents and the closer and broader family, also and other subjective factors (permanent training and perfecting of the educational crew, the role of the pedagogues in the transformation of the education and schooling, and the possibilities of the practical implementation of pedagogical knowledge etc). Also we have explained the role and the mission of the Institution of primary schools, that, for their special importance in the educational system, have a distinguished position in the aspect of the education and schooling of new generations, yet more, when considering the fact that it is about a level of education in which is profiled and built student’s personality. We have also analyzed and the other factor of the subjective character that has to do with the student himself and his individual and professional personality, emphasizing that even though exist various differences form the aspect of their level of intelligence, individual proficiency, the family conditions under which they are raised and educated etc., successful completion of the primary school is presented as a precondition, that impact in the further stages education of student’s education as well as in the formation of their professional skills and abilities. The successful realization of these objectives is not made only by the joint involvement of the students and teachers, but in a complementary way, and with the parents of students. The students should be oriented with an involvement of all participants in the education process – as the family members, as well as the holders of the education process in school – the teachers and various professional services. Lately, with the permanent changes in the area of formal education, are implemented various educational concepts that have shown extraordinary results in terms of raising the level of students’ success in primary schools, that correspond to some more appropriate organizational forms, comprehensible and acceptable for the students from the educational aspect, and which are in function also with the contemporary requirements of globalized labor market. Today, is noticed a slowed dynamic of these qualitative changes, that doesn’t correspond to the contemporary requirements of the globalized world. Within the frames of the factors with subjective characters, that have impact on the successful realization of the educational process are considered: student’s personality through his skills and abilities, existing conditions in the closer and wider family district where the student is living and is formed, teacher’s role in the realization of the educational process and of the teaching personnel, domination of the frontal form of work with all students, non-cooperation of the teacher with the parents, uploading of the students with excessive school obligations, more of the general and formal character, etc.




How to Cite

Raimi, L. (2016). The Impact of Subjective Factors on the Success of the Primary School Pupils. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(2), 111–120. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.2, April, 2013