Victimization of Albanian Female Deprived of Liberty by the State Apparatus and Social Mentality During the Monist and Pluralist System in the Republic of Albania
The following paper treats the situation in which the Albanian women have experienced during the period of Communism Dictatorship, their monstrous treatment by the investigation, their sufferance in the internment and detention centers. Also, this paper tackles as well as the manner of collective sentences in the Monist Albania, so the manner how the woman experienced when her husband or someone kin were sentenced to jail. Special attention is paid to the treatment and abuse of the Albanian woman after being imprisoned and the obstacles for their reintegration in the society. In the same line are treated the worst situation of women and females that are facing problems with the law, their victimization by the society and by the state and at the end of this paper it is treated the phenomena of females murdering in Albania during the period of transition.
Keywords: Albanian Females/Women, Communist Dictatorship, monstrous treatment, suffer, imprison, internment, murder, state, society etc.
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