Technological Advancements and their Application for the Development of the Republic of Macedonia


  • Naser Raimi


Among the most important reasons for the accelerated development of the contemporary economies are considered the permanent achievements in the sphere of the technical – technological development that have enabled the transformation of these states in societies based on skills and knowledge (knowledge-based societies). These changes, within the very short time, benefit global dimensions by being positioned as determining factors in the designing and conception of developmental changes in the future of all states. Macedonia also, as one of the states in transition, in a continuation of nearly two decades is creating and realizing a politic of the market economy, based on the application of measures for disorder and liberalization of the market reports. The pragmatic and fast articulation and acceptance of these global changes by the economies of development appears as a special moment for the creation of technical – technological pre – conditions of the development that, then will enable the efficient utilization of the developmental factors on the orientation of the manufacturing subjects in export, through the raising of their competitive level, and through this, the fast integration in the competitive European and world market. From this, we come to a conclusion that “contemporary manufacturing structures” are based on the new and high technologies, that are as a result of the scientific – technological permanent researchers. While the existing structure of manufacturing in Macedonia is based on the classical and antiquated technology, which cannot be ranked as a competitive economy with exporting abilities, even though is realized a politic of the opened market. The overwhelming percentage in the rapid technical – technological development of the modern economies is based on the activities and results from “research – developments” (R&D) within the frames of the enterprises, that have their own budgets for these purposes. Based on this the states with technological domination (USA, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain etc) from gross domestic production (GDP) separate between 2,5 % up to 3 % for research - development purposes. The main part of these financial means provide the companies themselves that operate in a totally competitive ambiance of the market. In the conditions of globalization, is thought that nearly 60% of the net investments of the American enterprises belong to the research – development sphere. Based on this, is imposed the necessity of creating the conditions for an accelerated transport and of the application of the new technologies that intensify various processes of modernization of the actual manufacturing structures of the states in transition. Starting from these factors of development should, with the help of the competent state institutions, to be created a favorable ambiance for the development of entrepreneurship and innovational abilities of small and medium enterprises, in which will be enabled motivational conditions for innovative competitions between the participants in the market. Therefore the national companies should draft a clear concept towards the “challenges of the new technologies”, through the involvement of considerable part of the budget that is dedicated to “R&D”, with the purpose of stopping of the trend of marginalization of the involvement of budget means for these purposes. In the developed states, the overwhelming part of the budget support for research – development is dedicated for fundamental researches, which are linked with “positive externals” that are manifested as “social good”.

Keywords: market economy, business factors, global technical-technological developments, contemporary economies, competitive markets, etc.




How to Cite

Raimi, N. (2016). Technological Advancements and their Application for the Development of the Republic of Macedonia. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(2), 192–201. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.2, April, 2013