Reviving Reading Habits in Nigerian Youths: the Roles of the Home; the School and the Government


  • Olusola Fidelis Olatayo


To an average literate Nigerian, the standard of education in the country is drastically falling and one of the factors responsible for this is the poor reading habits of the Nigerian youths. This paper examined the concept of reading, its importance and the expected roles of the home, the school and the government as agents of socialization in promoting reading habits among Nigerian youths. The paper concluded that if there is no quick intervention to revive reading culture among the Nation’s young generation, the country’s educational system may keep on producing half-baked graduates that are inimical to the development of the country as a whole.

Keywords: reading, importance of reading, use of reading, Nigerian youth, school, government, etc.




How to Cite

Olatayo, O. F. (2016). Reviving Reading Habits in Nigerian Youths: the Roles of the Home; the School and the Government. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(2), 218–226. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.2, April, 2013