Features of Personal Pronouns in Cuneus Prophetarum of Pjetër Bogdani
This paper describes in full the systematic features of the personal pronounced in one of the old Albanian texts of the XVII century, such as the Cuneus Prophetarum of Pjetër Bogdani. Specifically, through the descriptive method, the grammatical features of the personal pronouns of the first two persons, singular and plural, are described: unë, ti, ne, ju, (I, you, we, you) which are also real pronouns in the period of documented Albanian. While the complete paradigm of their declination in this old Albanian text is reflected, cases appearing in Bogdani are also viewed in comparison with the pronoun forms found in forerunning authors, thus proving to give a general picture of their use of Albanian in this period. Thus, the paper deals with a grammatical problem like this of the original pronoun in this old Albanian text from the synchronic perspective. This view of the grammatical categories of pronouns in Bogdani's work is of interest in the field of historical morphology and old texts of the Albanian language.
Keywords: Cuneus Prophetarum, Pjetër Bogdani, morphological features, the personal pronouns, declination, documented Albanian, etc.
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