The Efforts of Serbian Government to Close the University of Prishtina through a Mass Expulsion of Albanian Students and Lecturers During 1991-1992


  • Avni Rexha


The article “The efforts of Serbian government to close the University of Prishtina through a mass expulsion of Albanian students and lecturers during 1991-1992” aims to elaborate the political developments in Kosovo and Yugoslavia, particularly the efforts of Serbian regime to enforce its old and new hegemonic plans and the resistance of Albanian people. Since the both tendencies, the enforcement of hegemonic plans on one hand and the resistance of Albanian people on second hand, reflected a hard confrontation in all areas of social life, therefore this articles is focused only on the field of upper education, respectively on the University of Prishtina, which for many decades had become a seat of national emancipation for Albanians. Therefore, in order to provide a sound scientific argumentation, this article is supported by documentary data about the repressive measures of Serbian government and about the efforts of Kosovo Albanians for survival, which were reflected through the organization of a parallel life in Kosovo as well as in the field of upper education.

Keywords: University of Prishtina, Association of Lecturers, Faculty of Philosophy, Educational Board, etc.


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How to Cite

Rexha, A. (2018). The Efforts of Serbian Government to Close the University of Prishtina through a Mass Expulsion of Albanian Students and Lecturers During 1991-1992. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 6(12), 62–66. Retrieved from



Volume 6, No.12, December, 2017