Learning methodology has gone through various periods in which it has evolved and complemented based on the needs of those affected by it. Language Learning, especially English, which is the most widely used language in the world, has been the focus of many experts who have continuously strived to find new ways to improve the way foreigners, but also native speakers too, learn English. In this paper, we will try to evaluate these new trends and provide enough evidence to approve the idea that new developments such as the enormous progress of Information Technologies, are having a positive effect on ELT; the main point being the continuous developments in mobile software and hardware and how all this can be blended with the traditional methodology in use nowadays in order to achieve the expected results. We will, of course, present some views that suggest some possible downsides to these new trends, in order to compare the level of their effect on developing our methodology of teaching. In focusing on detailed analysis, argumentation and comparative evaluation, we hope that this paper will provide positive insight on this important issue and that it will benefit any further research in the field of ELT.
Keywords: ELT, English Language, methodology, digital age, new trends.
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