

The reflections about expressing respect and disrespect concepts in Uzbek language are stated in this article. Together with this, the tasks of pragmatic linguistics, as well as the views of author on the term of the concept are described. The role of respect and disrespect concepts in the Uzbek communication is unique. It is undoubtedly that morphological integrity is the leader in expressing any concept because the Uzbek language is agglutinative synthetic character. It is clear shown that the psychological respect and disrespect is not fully covered in linguistic expressing respect and disrespect, as well as the morphological means of expressing the respect cannot be only indicator of respect in discourse. However, there are some morphological forms which indicate to express the respect or disrespect concept, analyze about their role in the Uzbek communication behavior is discussed in this article. Such linguistic units become the nucleus in expressing the particular concept. But nonlinguistic expressioners also influence the linguistic core nature. According to the conclusion of the author, the study of the synchronous and diachronic nature of the concepts which exist in the linguistic mind of the particular people, must be an integral part of the study of the history of this nation. Consequently, analyzing the respect and disrespect concept in the Uzbek communication custom illuminates not only the anthropololinguistic description of this nation, but also historical description.

Keywords:  respect concept, disrespect concept, the Uzbek communication custom, morphological forms, linguistic consciousness of the nation, nonlinguistic expressioners, linguistic nucleus.


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How to Cite

Mehmonaliyevich, T. A. (2020). REFLECTIONS ABOUT MORPHOLOGICAL EXPRESSERS OF RESPECT AND DISRESPECT CONCEPTS. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 9(2), 75–81. Retrieved from



Volume 9, No.2, February, 2020