
  • Muminova Nilufar Muminova Nilufar Teacher of Karshi State University city Karshi


This article examines the history of the study of Uzbek anthroponyms and some anthroponyms in the work "Temur-name", the concepts of anthroponyms, anthroponymics, anthroponymy, historical anthroponymy, historical anthroponym, the role of such anthroponyms in the historical anthroponymy of the Uzbek language and their lexical-semantic, methodological features are analyzed. It is known that anthroponymy is a branch of anthropology that studies the origin, development, motives of naming, their functional properties. i.e. a person's horse) i.e. a set of well-known noun, a fund of which exists in a language. Anthroponymy (from Greek avdpwnog – anthropos + onoma – famous noun) - one of the most popular noun names, ie name, surname, nickname, pseudonym). The role of anthroponyms in the lexical system, the study of their semantic and methodological features from the point of view of linguistics is important in the work "Temur-name, dedicated to the history of the Timurids. From this point of view, the onomastics of Temur-name is relevant to the study of anthroponyms, and nicknames. Every name or other onomastic unit used in the text of "Temur-name" harmonizes with the artistic layer of the work and becomes an integral part of it. The onomastic scale in “Temur-name” consists of a number of historical names, tissue names, ie anthroponyms, toponyms, hydronyms, ethnonyms, oikonyms, oronyms and so on. The names used in the play come in different ideological and artistic tasks, creating a unique "panorama" of onomastic units. The history of the study of anthroponymy of the Uzbek language is analyzed on the basis of scientific sources, and at the end of the article there is a brief account of the name of Sahibkiran (Tamerlan) used in historical and artistic sources.

Keywords: Uzbek anthroponyms, Uzbek historical anthroponymy, onomastics, anthroponymics, anthroponymy, anthroponym, historical anthroponymy, historical anthroponym, Amir Temur, Temurbek, “Temur-name”, name, Temurid names, humanity, name.


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How to Cite

Nilufar, M. (2020). STUDYING HISTORY OF UZBEK ANTHROPONYMS AND ANTHROPONYMS IN THE WORK “TEMUR-NAME”. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 9(6), 39–50. Retrieved from



Volume 9, No.6, June, 2020