This article discusses the latest developments in the art of bakhshi (bakhshi is a folk singer, performer of folklore among the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, usually performs at holidays). It is also said that the parishioners in Khorezm were a form of shamanism, and that shamanism was one of the earliest stages in the formation of the art of bakhshi. In particular, the article emphasizes that in the research of A.N.Samoylovich Khorezmbakhsh is sang book epics, played dutar, bulamon, and noted that the XIX and early XX centuries were the most prosperous period of Khorezmbaxshi art. In Khorezm, the words shaman, ozon, bakhshi were used, and now the term bakhshi is widely used. The deification of the personality of the benefactor is due to the fact that they have a high memory and possess a word, a word. There is an opinion that the singing of epics to the accompaniment of drums by these professionals is associated with the X-XI centuries. This phenomenon may also be much older. The paintings in the “Harper’s Woman’s Room” in the ancient Khorezm fortresses may be the basis for this. The first historical figure in Khorezm (1115-1191) was Oshiq Aydin (Oshugiddin Umar Suhravardi), who is still the patron saint of baxshis. His personality is also deified. According to historical sources, Ashiq Aydin was a master of words and phrases and also a statesman. A pamphlet on music is also finished. Considering that he lived during the reign of Khorezmshahs, it is possible to understand that in those times there was a developed period of the art of baxshi. After the love affair, Aydin is the father of the ozone, shaman, and bakhshi Korkut, who became famous in the Turkic world. It is said that the XIX and early XX centuries were the most prosperous period of Khorezmbaxshi art.
Keywords: bakhshi, epos, folklore, folk, poetry, Khorezm, Uzbek, song, kobiz, dutar.
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