PRAGMASEMANTIC STUDY OF POETRIC TEXT (on the example of Erkin Vahidov’s poetry)


  • Kushmurodova Dilshodakhon Teacher of Djizakh State Pedagogical Institute. City Djizakh


In this article, the units expressing the pragmatic and poetic features used in the works of Erkin Vahidov are studied as the object of study on the example of the poet's poems. Also, potential semantics formed an analysis of the poetic text through lines that revealed pragmatic meaning. The semantics expressed by polysemantic lexemes in creative poetry are analyzed in the direction of pragmatics.

Keywords: pragmatic, semantic, verse, paradigmatic relations, lexical units, occasional meaning, semantic connection, associative field, lingvopoetics, lingvopragmatics.


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How to Cite

Dilshodakhon, K. (2021). PRAGMASEMANTIC STUDY OF POETRIC TEXT (on the example of Erkin Vahidov’s poetry). ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 10(9), pp.11–18. Retrieved from



Volume 10, No.9, September 2021