
  • Zukhro Akbarova Akmaljonovna Associate Professor, Department of Uzbek Linguistics, Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc)
  • Abdullazizova Rokhatoy Usmonalievna Master, the Direction of Theory and Methodology of Education (Primary Education) Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education, Fergana State University


The article provides a linguistic analysis of the linguistic landscape of the world (LLW) and a general interpretation of the concept of “world landscape”. The study of the compatibility of LLW in different languages, its introduction into Uzbek linguistics, linguistic relativity, the influence of linguoculturology on LLW and several functions of the concept of LLW are also studied.

Keywords: linguistics, linguistic landscape of the world, worldview, linguistic relativity, linguoculturology, linguistic semantics, semantics, representation, social function.


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How to Cite

Akmaljonovna, Z. A., & Usmonalievna, A. R. (2022). ANALYSIS OF VIEWS ON THE FORMATION OF THE LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE OF THE WORLD. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 11(1), pp.11–18. Retrieved from



Volume 11, No.1, January 2022