Both English and Albanian languages are highly idiomatic. Idiomatic phrases are meaningful as a whole or complete items rather than a collection of separate words. Idioms are created from the free word-groups, which in the course of the historical development of English and Albanian languages have acquired semantic and grammatical inseparability. We may also say that idioms are derived from different fields and those that are derived from more specific domains are likely to differ across cultures. Classification of idioms in both languages Albanian and English is the same in phraseological context, i.e., lexical form. It differs in historical, cultural and geographical accidents but sometimes they share common culture. When defining Albanian and English idioms, they are similar in three levels: semantic, lexical and syntactic.
Keywords: idioms, lexical items, Albanian students, Albanian equivalent, syntactic structure, verbal and non-verbal idiom, comparative method, William Shakespeare, Geoffrey Chaucer, Ismail Kadare, Sami Frashëri, etc.
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