A key tactic is to provide high-quality education. The key drivers of high-quality education are instructors, particularly in colleges and universities. Teachers must therefore modify their teaching philosophies and techniques, develop new teaching ideologies, fulfill their own roles, and play their own roles. We should put a strong emphasis on education and enhance the effectiveness of instruction. While education is the goal, teaching is the technique. The amount and nature of learning for all kids can be influenced by the school and teachers. Awareness and enhancing educational processes requires an understanding of teachers' attitudes, actions, and beliefs. They are intimately related to the ways that educators deal with difficulties in their day-to-day work. Numerous elements that affect students' motivation, achievement, and behavior are under the control of educators. They are changing their strategy to put more of an emphasis on developing a supportive learning environment and classroom that is responsive as part of a comprehensive, high-quality education based on children's rights, where there is effective teaching and classroom management, thereby improving students' learning experiences. Because of this, our thesis will discuss the significance of student-centered teaching approaches by outlining their main characteristics in-depth and outlining how they might enhance the learning process.
Keywords: learner, teacher, instructional strategy, and methodologies.
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