
  • Gassim H. Dohal Freelance Researcher, Gizan




This lesson plan is a way of guidance for teachers who may find it difficult to start. For teachers, there should be a guide of the main points that should be considered besides pedagogical knowledge of the material in question. As a teacher, one should have an idea of what is going to take place: objectives, a suitable text, and an appropriate environment to succeed. A teacher should prepare the right material for his/her class in advance for there are a lot of challenges that face individuals in charge including the method to be adopted, the level of students involved, and their numbers. In this short essay, those points will be addressed, taking into consideration that what is presented here is a sample that might be remodeled according to the case a teacher finds him/herself in. In addition, this topic might attract the attention of researchers who are interested in teaching and learning to pursue this type of research.

Keywords: plan, objective, text, lesson, teacher.

Author Biography

Gassim H. Dohal, Freelance Researcher, Gizan

Gassim H. Dohal is an instructor of English from Saudi Arabia.  He holds a Ph. D. in English Literature. He has contributed research papers and articles in different academic journals. His works appeared in journals like Agathos journal, The IUP Journal of English Studies, Journal of Language Teaching and Research (JLTR), International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies (IJCLTS), Revista de investigaciones Universidad del Quindio (RIUQ), and many others.


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How to Cite

Dohal, G. H. (2023). A SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(10), pp.32–37. https://doi.org/10.58885/ijllis.v12i10.32gd



Volume 12, No.10, October 2023