The Blot of the Past as the Uncertainty of the Future
“The loser” is a pessimistic novel in which is reflected the modern man, plunged into the life problems and hullabaloo. By itself the title marks lost of the reason against the actions that already are irrevocable as the improvement, so this novel is a conglomerate topics of the phenomena’s inside the Albanian world, in which world the feature of alienation is present, downfall and degeneration of former morale values. Here the life is challenged by many of its ideological systems which in case if you are not appropriate to them you can be expelled without any justification. “The loser” is a novel of life experience from the bitter past that aims to find calmness in the conventional order of our life.
Keywords: Albanian society, parents with lost identities, broken hope, inferiors, decrease of dignity, intrigues, conditionings, inspections.
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