The Nurse and his/her Role in Modern Surgery Basic Management Integrated Multidisciplinary Care


  • Elona GAXHJA (Saja)


It is noticed that in the last 20 years a major mutation has conquered the world of surgery: it is enough to think about available executives increasingly sophisticated with a higher safety and accuracy. This change, although on the one hand has improved health structures from the technical point of view, on the other hand it has deprived human warmth. A hospital that cares for the patient's disease and does not care for his own personality, it threatens to become inhuman Thus arises in us the idea that we are looking for a protocol for minimizing the pre operator anxiety and post-operators pain. Protocol should be performed a night before the surgery and it consists of: a group meeting to materialize their fears; a look of the photographs (the way to operator room, anesthetics room, etc.) so that the place looks like familiar use of the above mentioned relaxation technique.




How to Cite

GAXHJA (Saja), E. (2015). The Nurse and his/her Role in Modern Surgery Basic Management Integrated Multidisciplinary Care. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(1), 114–117. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.1, February, 2013