The Socio-Demographic Data on Disabled People in the City of Cerrik


  • Arben RUCI


Priorities of the public health today in the whole world are the prevention of people’s disability, and especially the causes that lead to its terminal phase. The morbidity of the disease, the increase of the death rate by cardiovascular diseases at 53%, the increase of disease by tumors, the rapid increase of death cases due to road accidents in our country, the low access to health services make the public health services even more tangible. On the other hand the low quality of the health service, the lack of or the incomplete coverage due to high costs for the disabled persons, make the treatment of these patients an even more difficult task. The Albanian society spends large amounts of money on such categories of patients, who are considered parasite people, as their contribution to the society is scarce.




How to Cite

RUCI, A. (2015). The Socio-Demographic Data on Disabled People in the City of Cerrik. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(1), 118–123. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.1, February, 2013