Glaucoma Disease


  • Astrit Beci


Glaucoma is one of the most serious and common disease of the eye pathology that doctors and nursing staff face in their everyday practice. Glaucoma is a serious and complex pathology that brings serious consequences in all layers of the eyeball and especially in the nerve of sight, which causes degeneration of nerve fibers and consequently irreversible loss of vision. Early diagnosis of glaucoma is critical to prevent permanent structural damage and irreversible loss of vision. Detection of glaucoma typically relies on examination of structural damage to the optic nerve combined with measurement of visual function. The purpose of this study is to show that as early as possible is distinguished glaucoma the most positive can be its performance. The study shows that the vast majority of patients were unaware of the disease before clinical signs appeared. In this study were included a total of 67 patients with glaucoma disease and the average age calculated resulted to be 69.4 years predominantly in the age group 70-79 years (40, 3%). This study, since it described ethyopathogenesis, epidemiology and risk factors of glaucoma, it outlines the diagnosis process, treatment for patients involved in it. In the cases studied patients are treated with medication and surgical treatment dominating the latter and the mostly used surgical treatment results trabekulektomia. The study concludes that an early diagnosis and ongoing treatment of glaucoma can help in maintaining or at least slowing the progress of the disease in most people.

Keywords: Glaucoma, intraocular pressure, diagnosis, optic nerve, treatment, trabekulektomia, the risk factors, etc.




How to Cite

Beci, A. (2015). Glaucoma Disease. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 3(6), 188–193. Retrieved from



Volume 3, No.6, June, 2014