Application of Immunohistochemical Avidin-Biotin Complex Method (IMHC-ABC) for the Identification of Tularemia Agent in the Tissues of Wild Hare Flesh in FYRoM
The study presents the results achieved from the application of the immunohistochemical avidin-biotin complex method (IMHC-ABC) or the assessment of the risk of the presence of the Tularemia antigen in the flesh of hares haunted by the hunters in some of the regions of Macedonia, the ex-republic of Yugoslavia. The study indicates the method applied in 70 samples taken from the hares killed by the hunters, as well as some samples taken from the restaurants which offer in their menu. The study results with the identification of 4 positive cases with Tularemia from the samples submitted to this check. The check is significant, as it presents a method of assessment of the risk of the meat of the hares with the presence of this zoonotic disease, as well as it exposes a method which has not been applied before for this disease in the region.
Keywords: Immunohistochemical, avidin-biotin method, tularemia, FYROM-Macedonia, IMHC.
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