Regionalism of International Trade in the Global Management


  • Emanuela Esmerova European University – Skopje. Macedonia.


The term “regionalism” has been interpreted in different ways. According to Alan Winters “regionalism is a policy designed in a way that should have reduced the trade barriers between the subjects in one country or between certain national economies regardless the fact whether once they have been closed to other economies in the world”. According to Andrew Harell, regionalism has been manifested in different forms: one of them is regionalization – phenomenon of economic interdependence in certain geographic area, such as between Mexico and California. Other form is the regional self-conscience, for example the belonging that feel the people in the Balkan due to their identical or similar historic, cultural and traditional affiliation. The third form is the regional collaboration between the countries (form of formal grouping such as Mercosur), while the fourth form refers to the integration promoted by the countries building concrete policies, such as the case with the  European Union for global menagment. According to Alan Abot and Dins, regionalism is “an extension of the actual multilateral trade system” i.е. ”political strategy” directed to improvement of the competitive capacity of countries, and namely it is “structural response”  to the problems that in global economy arise as a consequence of globalization processes.

Keywords: regionalization, integration of regional economy, international trade and trade indexes and  trade polarities.   


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How to Cite

Esmerova, E. (2018). Regionalism of International Trade in the Global Management. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(3), 56–62. Retrieved from



Volume 7, No.3, March, 2018