

This paper would like to examine Chinua Achebe’s novel A Man of the People (1966) in the post-colonial Nigeria perspective. The novel-text depicts corrupt influence of power on the common men and the politicians, sexual-political rivalries. Socio-political disorder gives a way to corruption, exploitation, despair, and anguish in the post-independent Nigerian society and community. The paper aims to present corruption, exploitation, and social injustice in society and acquisition of material wealth by a nefarious policy. Achebe’s novel A Man of the People is a mirror of political opportunism and prevalent corruption in the socio-political aspects of a 20th-century Nigeria. Achebe challenges the derogatory image of Nigeria and refutes western influences on Nigerian nation. As a self-conscious critic and social observer of the age, the novelist wants to present prevalent issues very faithfully. Themes and characters are vividly reflected through political and socio-cultural trends of a 20th-century Nigeria. For this purpose, the paper would like to examine the characters of Chief Nanga and Odilli Samalu with a view to fostering a perfect picture of post-colonial Nigeria’s corrupt politics. Achebe exposes the political malady through the characters of Nanga and Odilli who represent existing social and political contradictions. Both Odilli and Nanga, representing the young educated Nigerian and a stereotype in Nigerian politics, are drawn to alien culture and are corrupted by emerging new forces of power and wealth. Odilli opposes against an unscrupulous politician Chief Nanga regarding his corrupt political ruling system. The paper would like to unveil how once upon a time the common Nigerians were dominated and oppressed by the British. And, this Chief Nanga is a follower of the British rulers. The paper also would like to investigate Achebe’s treatment of socio-political system of his contemporary age. Finally, this paper would like to make a comparative study between Syed Shamsul Haque’s play Nuruldin’s Lifetime and Achebe’s novel A Man of the People with a view to highlighting the practical picture of the corrupt socio-political system of the dishonest and powerful rulers of the age. Through similarities and differences, it aims to look at Haque’s and Achebe’s treatment of socio-political system through investigating their texts.

Keywords: Chinua Achebe, Chief Nanga, Nuruldin, Odilli Samalu, and Post-colonial Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Hossain, A. (2020). REINTERPRETING ACHEBE’S "A MAN OF THE PEOPLE POST-COLONIALLY. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 9(3), 66–78. Retrieved from



Volume 9, No.3, March, 2020

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