The topic that this paper seeks to touch on is: “A look at today’s language of politics (Lexical-grammatical functions in particular)”. We have focused on some of its most essential features, some of its key functions, and a broader look at the real, tangible values, new and latest semantic developments of the political lexicon. Initially, the paper aims to present some theoretical definitions on the concept of political lexicon in foreign and Albanian linguistics, mainly based on German, American and Albanian literature, such as: Orwell, Lucas or Samara, Duro, Kostallari, Lloshi, Thomai, etc. A broad overview is given to the main linguistic figure operating in politics, to the metaphor and also “contradicto in adiecto”, as a linguistic tool with the value of a micro text, i.e. a first formal contradiction in terminis, when expressed simultaneously and for the same two concepts and two judgments that exclude each other, which is extremely used by politicians. The aim of the paper is to discover the real function and that of appearance that permeates speeches and slogans of politics, otherwise known as the element of their indeterminacy. In this paper we have tried to raise as a problem the need for a scientific and fair conception of the political lexicon. The role of the masters of the Albanian word (including politicians, writers, linguists, orators, statesmen, journalists, analysts, etc.) who with their works and writings, have delivered and enriched the political lexicon should be properly appreciated. They have special merits in the semantic elaboration of the content and nuances of the political lexicon of literary Albanian. They have used the words of this lexicon in certain syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections (polysemous, synonymous and antonymous), constructing beautiful figures with expressive-emotional character. Some of the problems of semasiological character are treated in this paper, such as the origin (derivation) of new meanings and nuances in the present time, as well as its types, can be treated in more depth and more special ways in the future. The working methodology is based on the set of contemporary concepts, principles, theories and methods such as methods of approach, method of comparison and analysis on the basis of generative linguistics.
Keywords: political lexicon, semantic meaning, metaphors, generative linguistics, etc.
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