

The purpose of this study is to decipher the postmodern development of subaltern studies to find out the past and present state of the subalternity so that today’s students, teachers, researchers, scholars, and critics of English literature can apply the theories and the approaches of subaltern studies. To find out the inner meaning of subaltern writing creatively and critically, literary genres can be interpreted in the light of subaltern studies that reflect the social environment. To investigate Literature concerning the theme of subaltern studies, teachers, students, scholars, and critics ought to be devoted to going into the deeper meanings of the literary texts. To understand borders and borderlands, the study aims to focus on the contemporary political challenges of the world very faithfully. Conflicts of borders and borderlands in the light of Indian literature and Albanian literature by Ismail Kadare in English have been given priority.

Keywords: Subaltern Studies, Borders, Borderlands, Indian and Albanian Literature, Border Conflicts, and International Law.


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How to Cite

Hossain, A., & Iseni, A. (2021). RETHINKING SUBALTERN, BORDERS, AND BORDERLANDS IN INDIAN AND ALBANIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 10(8), pp.37–48. Retrieved from



Volume 10, No.8, August 2021

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