
  • Vilma Tafani Albanian University. Department of Education and English Language. Tirana




Technology surrounds us everywhere, every moment. It seems almost impossible to imagine our life without technology. It is pervasive and persuasive. As new technologies emerge, creative people in every industry can imagine new applications. In the education field, teachers embrace these innovations in the classroom and online. Many of these new resources are changing the traditional understanding of education. In this paper we'll talk about the use of technology, digital media and digital disruption and the opportunities they can offer to everyone and every organization. We’ll focus on three phases: 1) In the past – Personal experiences as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar on ‘Teaching through Media’, 2002; 2) Present – On the implementation of the project, on ‘Impact of Teaching English in Limited Access to Technology Environment’, 2020, with the financial support of the US Embassy in Tirana; 3) 2020 onwards: challenges of using new technologies in the classroom for the future.  The paper will also try to answer the following research questions: What is digital media? What is digital disruption and its importance in language learning? How does it help to improve skills in teaching through technology? How does the use of technology influence the English language learning? What are some of the challenges that teachers face while teaching in a low tech class? How does digital disruption help hybrid communication skills? On-line learning vs. face-to-face learning, etc. When available both students and teachers embrace the use of technology as a tool to make teaching and learning English fun and inclusive. Finally, the researcher will try to offer some challenges and solutions about the use of some practical disruptive education technologies.

Keywords: Digital disruption, on-line learning, challenge, new technology in education.


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How to Cite

Tafani, V. (2023). EMBRACING THE CHANGE OF DIGITAL WORLD/DIGITAL DISRUPTION. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(8), pp.31–41. https://doi.org/10.58885/ijllis.v12i8.31vt



Volume 12, No.8, August 2023