Identity is created Through a Mobilisation of ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in Relation to at Least two Malaysian Works


  • Hamid Farahmandian


The texts that have been selected to provide answers to the above-mentioned question are Green is the color by Lloyd Fernando and Mr.Tang’s Girls by Shirley Lim. In the former, how the post modern characteristics of self create and define the protagonist’s identity is discussed while in the latter the influence of the patriarchal society on the protagonist’s identity shaping is analyzed. The patriarchal society for which the protagonist’s father is an example is considered the other‟. The nature of the individual depends upon the society in which he or she lives. (Burke and Stets, 2009, p.3)




How to Cite

Farahmandian, H. (2016). Identity is created Through a Mobilisation of ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in Relation to at Least two Malaysian Works. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 4, 43–50. Retrieved from



Volume 4, Conference Proceedings, Special Issue, 2015