BRAF Mutation in Albanian Melanoma Patients New Approach from Diagnosis to the Treatment
The incidence of cutaneous melanoma is steadily increasing, mainly in populations of European origin and is thus an important public health issue throughout the world. Cutaneous melanoma is a malignancy with a favorable prognosis if it presents as a localized disease, but with a dramatically worse prognosis if it metastasizes. No effective treatment exists for the group of melanoma patients with metastasizing disease, although several nonspecific chemotherapy regimens and immunotherapies are able to prolong survival at least for a short period of time. Last years has started a new area in the treatment using BRAF mutation inhibitors, especially for patients with BRAF V600E positive, so, also in melanoma is available targeted therapy. This new treatment plays an important role in their survival. The aim of the study: to evaluate the BRAF mutation in patients diagnosed with melanoma. Methods: We analised BRAF mutation in 12 formaline -fixed paraffine embedded (FFPE) tissue of patients diagnosed with melanoma from January to December 2014. Results: From 12 FFPE tissue we found 67 % (n=8) BRAF V600E, 25 % (n=3) BRAF Wild Type, 8% (n=1) BRAF V600K. Conclusions: BRAF V600E mutation is an important molecular target for novel therapeutic approaches in area of targeted therapy of melanoma patients. Patient with unresectable or metastatic melanoma, whith BRAF V600E, can use BRAF – inhibitors, increasing their survival.
Keywords: Albania, melanoma, BRAF mutation, biopsy.
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