Characteristics and Effect of Intakes in Crossbreeding Piglets


  • Vjollca Hoxha (Shahini)
  • Lumturi Papa
  • Bejo Bizhga


Crossbreeding is a successful management practice for improving litter productivity in swine. Five pig groups were used to investigate the effects on litter performance under the season conditions. Data records spanning a 2 years period of collected from the different farms and were analyzed using least squares procedure. The database included a genetic group of litter, year and season of farrowing, and genetic group and season of farrowing interaction. Traits evaluated included litter sizes and weights at farrowing and at weaning, including pre-weaning viability. These studies dealt mainly with two-breed crosses involving the local pigs with any of the several exotic pig breeds in Albania, the Large White, Hampshire, and Landrace. Results showed a significant effect of genetic group for all the litter traits studied. The crossbred groups were superior in most of the litter traits studied except litter birth weight where the LW purebred group recorded the heaviest litter weights.

Keywords: piglets, crossbreeding, group, season, farm, pig genotypes in LBWT, etc.




How to Cite

(Shahini), V. H., Papa, L., & Bizhga, B. (2016). Characteristics and Effect of Intakes in Crossbreeding Piglets. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 4(11), 70–73. Retrieved from



Volume 4, No.11, November 2015

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