Data about Macracanthorhycus hirudinaceus in Albania
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus is a species of the acanthocephalan parasite found in the intestines of pigs and other hoofed animals, and can occasionally appear in humans and dogs. Adults attach to the intestinal wall of the host. It causes enteritis, gastritis or peritonitis in affected hosts. Eggs with acanthors (embryonated larvae) are found in the soil near domestic swine and can survive up to three and a half years, withstanding subzero temperatures. Acanthors are also found in the gut of the intermediate host. For the first time in Albania in swine at the extensive growth, we report the presence of Macracanthorhyncus hirudinaceus among all group ages of swine. The average parasitic load resulted 63 e/g/f in piglets 0-3 months old, 160 e/g/f in piglets 3-7 months old, 180 e/g/f in sows about to be substituted, 190 v/g/f in sows before farrow, 168 e/g/f during lactation and 90 e/g/f in uncastrated pigs. By evaluating the indices of the efficiency and the parasitic load for other parasites, we conclude that Macracanthorhyncus hirudinaceus is the main cause of hypo-efficiency in the area especially in swine of extensive growth.
Keywords: Macracanthorhyncus hirudinaceus, acanthocephala, swine, n/v/g/f, Albania.
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