
  • Lumturije Kurtishaj University of Tetova "Fadil Sulejmani" - Tetova, North Macedonia


In this paper we will tackle the position Shkodra in the time frame 20 October 1912 - 13 May 1913, the war for defending Shkodra, 1912-1913, is among the most difficult wars for the Albanian people to defend the territorial integrity, as well as a stage of the glorious history of Albania, which in terms of duration in a six-month Serbian-Montenegrin siege, constitutes the most unique case of the heroic resistance of Albanians in the First Balkan War, defending Shkodra, was being held by Hasan Riza Pasha and Esat Pasha Toptani, but Esat Pasha in an agreement with the Montenegrins surrendered the city of Shkodra to the hands of the Montenegrins. The Shkodra capitulation agreement was implemented on the night of 22-23 April 1913, when the first lines of Montenegrin troops entered the city.


However, the occupation of Shkodra by Montenegro did not affect the decision of the Conference of Ambassadors, as it had at that time opened talks on Shkodra, where it was widely debated for the city, and due to the stubbornness of King Nikolla (Krajl Nikolla) did not intend to reject their consensus reached on the border issue. As a result, the city of Shkodra was emptied, thus passing to the Powers represented by the commanders of the international naval forces, under the command of the vice admiral of the fleet, Sesil Bërni, as a representative of the Conference of Ambassadors. He stated that the flags of the five Great Powers (Austria, England, France, Germany and Italy) would be flown over the castle until an autonomous government was established in Albania.

Keywords: Surrender of Shkodra, Esat Pasha Toptani, Hasan Riza Pasha, Surrender of Shkodra, Conference of Ambassadors in London, Foreign Press.


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How to Cite

Kurtishaj, L. (2020). SURRENDER OF SHKODRA. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 9(4), 21–31. Retrieved from



Volume 9, No.4, April, 2020