English language is a foreign language for Macedonians as well as Albanians living in North Macedonia. It is a mandatory subject at school that students have to attend. In this way, English language cannot be compared to other foreign languages that people in North Macedonia may encounter. It is common to hear two or more young Albanian or Macedonian people speaking in English among themselves. They may use it as a secret code of speaking in spoken and written discourse, especially when using online platforms. Young people living in North Macedonia do not find it difficult to understand English words all around them; they even consider it a modern form of living. On the other hand, most of the older generations living in North Macedonia do not understand English. But nowadays, most people living in North Macedonia, regardless of their age, use technology and Internet and in this way they are already familiar with many English words, and they have also learnt their semantic function even without understanding the specific meaning of the words. The problem that is very often faced by most people is when buying specific products. After a short study, it was proved that almost in all products sold in different shops, even though they might be produced in North Macedonia, or in other countries in the Balkans, everything written on them is in English.
Keywords: English language, Albanian language, North Macedonia, globalization, food products, music, cosmetic products
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