LANGUAGE AND STYLE IN WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS’S SELECTED POEMS: “Adam’s Curse”, “Easter, 1916”, “The Second Coming” and “Sailing to Byzantium”



This research demonstrates an in-depth investigation of William Butler Yeats’s key poems, his language, and his distinctive writing style. We've selected four of his well-known poems for this essay: “Adam’s Curse,” “The Second Coming,” “Easter, 1916,” and “Sailing to Byzantium.” Each of them is a different aspect of William’s creative work, incorporating motifs and topics that relate to the historical context and the author’s inner life. The clashing currents of the Victorian era and modernism, which William Butler Yeats stood at, affected his poetry. His poetry continue to serve as a bridge for aspiring modern poets, guiding them to perfection from such expressions of beauty, art in nature, politics, and everything around him.

Keywords: William.B.Yeats, poems, style, language, etc.


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How to Cite

Iseni, A. (2022). LANGUAGE AND STYLE IN WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS’S SELECTED POEMS: “Adam’s Curse”, “Easter, 1916”, “The Second Coming” and “Sailing to Byzantium”. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 11(7), pp.109–126. Retrieved from



Volume 11, No.7, July 2022

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