Subacute Rumen Acidosis in After Calving Period And Laminitis in Cattle


  • Emilian Shabani
  • Vangjel Ceroni
  • Nexhat Mazreku


From October 2011 - December 2012 two groups of 20 heads of cattles with experimentally attended screenings halting syndrome was affected by the condition of subacute rumen acidosis. Various food rations taking into account differences of acid and base equivalents were used in these groups of animanl. Animals of the first group were treated with food rations in dominance of acid equivalents and with acid base difference equivalent to - 12:35. The second group of animals was treated with food rations in dominance of basic equivalent with the difference of acid-base equal 137.13. Animals of both groups were checked during the first four months after calving for rumen pH, glucose level, total calcium and inorganic phosphorus in the blood. In the first group of cows in experiment with ruminal acidosis (rumen pH average for the study period, 5.51 ± 0.3), with the average level of glucose in 0:03 ± 1.87 mmol / liter, the overall calcium average ± 7.71 mg% 00:11 and inorganic phosphorus on average 5.83 ± 0:02 mg% in the first four months of after calving, halting syndrome was detected in six heads or in 30.0%. In the second group of cows, with normal rate of levels for rumen pH (5.92 ± 0.7), average glucose 2:12 ± 0:02 mmol / liter, the average of total calcium 9:24 ± 0:09 mg% and inorganic phosphorus average 6:12 ± 0:04 mg%), halting syndrome was observed in one cow or in 5.0%. The data obtained for rumen pH, glucose level, total calcium and inorganic phosphorus in the two groups of cows and in cows affected by halting syndrome were confirmed statistically (P> 0.99). Rumen pH, glucose and calcium level present correlative links and negative character (r = - 0.428, r = - 0.686 and r = - 0791) by halting syndrome from laminitis in cattle and inorganic phosphorus level is about dependency positive character (r = 0. 629).

Keywords: ruminal pH, glucose, calcium, phosphorus, acidosis, lameness.




How to Cite

Shabani, E., Ceroni, V., & Mazreku, N. (2016). Subacute Rumen Acidosis in After Calving Period And Laminitis in Cattle. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(3), 127–132. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.3, June, 2013

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