A lot of comparative studies regarding the learning of two or more languages have shown that learning a second language cannot be done independently from the first one. During the intermediate phase (interlanguage), when languages are relatively similar to each other, there are a lot of transfers from the first language to the second one. However only a few studies are dealing with the interferences between foreign languages. In this research paper we present some findings regarding the transfers from English (first foreign language) to Italian (second foreign language). We are searching some answers regarding the following questions: Does the English language interfere with the Italian language? If so, which of the grammatical structures (morphology, syntax, lexicology and phonetic) are the most affected ones? Are these transfers positive or negative; temporarily or do they last long? The data used are obtained primarily from the student’s writing papers (as objective indicators) and observations throughout a full academic year. Having concluded that our target group does not have a strong English accent, only a few data are acquired from the student’s oral presentations. The questionnaires are another useful tool; these were used to collect information regarding the student’s awareness on the transfers that their English language has on the Italian language. Although the interferences between English and Italian can slow down the communication in the latter one, we can conclude that in most of the cases, they are not serious enough to affect it.
Key words: language interferences, language transfers, English language, Italian language, communication.
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