


This paper presents an analysis of literature for young people in Slovene from the point of view of multicultural and thematic elements, an analysis of the syllabus and an analysis of young people’s literature in accordance with European concepts of equality or cultural, religious and linguistic diversity.

Keywords: children literature, scholars, multiculturalism, Slovenian tales, etc.

Author Biography

Arburim Iseni, University of Tetova "Fadil Sulejmani" - Tetova, North Macedonia

Arburim Iseni is proud to be working as an English Morphology and Academic Writing Professor at the University of Tetova since 1999. He is an experienced editor of many international journals with a demonstrated history of working in the research industry. He is very skillful in Intercultural Communication, Translation, Foreign Languages, Lecturing, and Editing. He is a person with charisma, multidimensional, performance driven that likes challenges and thrives for responsibilities. He is skillful with the impatience, hardworking, motivator with deep knowledge about people, their personalities and what motivates them. He is also careful to details and able to develop new procedures and system abilities, in computer basis and manual basis.  He is also a strong media and communication professional. He has two PhDs, one in Applied Linguistics: Second Language Acquisition obtained from Southeast European University, Tetovo, North Macedonia (2013) and the second one in English Literature obtained from the Saints Cyril and Methodius University. Faculty of Philology “Blazhe Koneski”, Skopje (2018).


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How to Cite

Blažić, M. M., & Iseni, A. (2023). MULTICULTURAL CHILDREN’S LITERATURE. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(6), pp.11–23.



Volume 12, No.6, June 2023

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